Authors and Citation
Antonio Castro. Author.
Antonio Mello. Author.
Ellen Paixão. Author.
Fernando Fraga. Author.
Heraldo Borges. Author.
Janio Lima. Author.
Jessica Souza. Author.
Lais Baroni. Author.
Lucas Tavares. Author.
Rebecca Salles. Author.
Diego Carvalho. Author.
Eduardo Bezerra. Author.
Rafaelli Coutinho. Author.
Esther Pacitti. Author.
Fabio Porto. Author.
Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro (CEFET/RJ). Copyright holder.
Ogasawara E, Castro A, Mello A, Paixão E, Fraga F, Borges H, Lima J, Souza J, Baroni L, Tavares L, Salles R, Carvalho D, Bezerra E, Coutinho R, Pacitti E, Porto F (2024). harbinger: A Unified Time Series Event Detection Framework. R package version 1.1.707,,
@Manual{, title = {harbinger: A Unified Time Series Event Detection Framework}, author = {Eduardo Ogasawara and Antonio Castro and Antonio Mello and Ellen Paixão and Fernando Fraga and Heraldo Borges and Janio Lima and Jessica Souza and Lais Baroni and Lucas Tavares and Rebecca Salles and Diego Carvalho and Eduardo Bezerra and Rafaelli Coutinho and Esther Pacitti and Fabio Porto}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 1.1.707,}, url = {}, }